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Friday, October 1, 2010

Reporting Time Frames- ICSR

Reporting Time Frames: In general, expedited reporting of serious and unexpected ADRs refers to 15 calendar days. Time frames for other types of reports vary among countries.

Minimum Criteria for Reporting:Minimum required data elements for an ADR case are: an identifiable reporter, an identifiable patient, an adverse reaction, and a suspect product. Lack of any of these four elements means that the case is incomplete; however, MAHs are expected to exercise due diligence to collect the missing data elements. It is recommended that as much information as possible be collected at the time of the initial first report.

 Time Clock Start Point:The regulatory reporting time clock (in calendar days) starts on the date when any personnel of the MAH first receive a case report that fulfills minimum criteria as well as the criteria for expedited reporting. In general, this date should be considered as day 0.When additional medically significant information is received for a previously reported case, the regulatory reporting time clock begins again for submission of the follow-up report.

 Non-serious ADRs:Cases of non-serious ADRs are not normally reportable on an expedited basis. The spontaneous reports of non-serious ADRs should be reported in the periodic safety update report.

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